200th project

At the end of 2017, I finished my 200th project. It was part of a small handful of projects I crammed in for gifts at the end of the year even though I swear every year that I will not do Christmas gift knitting. In my defense of breaking my no-deadline-gift knitting, item no.200 was for my mom, who expressed a need for a hat. And, before I show you the picture, let me tell you that it is really hard to get a picture of the back of one's own head, but I wanted a picture that showed off the back and I need to get a picture really quickly before I gifted it. So, with that in mind, here is my 200th knitted item : I've been knitting for just over 8 years now, which means I'm averaging 25 projects a year. This average is totally skewed because of 2013 in which I managed to complete 48 projects. I made a whole bunch of beaded bracelets... maybe I should make more of those this year... 2013 was also the year in which I hit the 100 project mark....