End of the Year Race...

At the end of the year, it seems that there is always a race to finish those WIPs...  Christmas deadlines and New Year's resolutions and other goals always seem to create a knitting rush.  There were some WIPs that I wanted to finish before Christmas and year's end and some that I had planned on finishing sometime in the next year.

This WIP was one that I thought was going to wait until January...

But ended up being a December surprise!

My baby girl, whose moniker for this blog shall be "Jo," was born December 21st.  I had gone into the hospital for a non-stress test to monitor my blood pressure on the 20th and it was discovered that I had severe pre-eclampsia, so they decided to induce me early (37 weeks) for both our safety.  Jo weighed 5 lbs 5 oz at birth and is 19 inches long.  As you can see, she's got a head full of dark hair (except for a blonde patch in the back).  She's also got long fingers like her mommy.

I'm loving being a mom.  Jo and I are both doing pretty well now and we are getting to know one another.  She has absolutely captured my heart.  She has her Daddy and all of her other family wrapped around her (long) little fingers!  I look forward to her growing into all the lovely hand-knit sweaters she's received from my knitting friends.

Now, this is a knitting blog, right?  Well, as a result of pregnancy things going not-so-much as planned, Christmas knitting didn't go quite as planned, either, but I do have things I've been waiting to show!  I did gift a couple of stealth projects, though:

A hat for Sister-Son, whom I call "Froggie":

And birthday socks for my mom (whose birthday is the day after Jo's!)  (I actually finished these while in the early stages of labor...):

I still owe knit gifts to my husband and one of my other nephews, but they know they'll get them when I get to it... which may take a while with this new little one around!

I did, though, manage to squeeze in the time to knit Jo's first stocking!  I'm going to knit her a different one every year--it will be part of her Christmas morning surprise.  This year it's a tiny one for a tiny person (key shown for scale):

The completion of the socks and stocking make it an official 24 projects completed in 2011, as was my goal.

It's certainly been an interesting year!  In addition to my baby, my older sister had a son, and my younger sister got married.  I'm looking forward to next year with my little one and seeing what else the future has in store.


  1. Hooray! Welcome to the world, Jo - and welcome to motherhood, Allison :) I can't wait to meet her!


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