So... blogging...
It's been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks. I finished all my classes & turned in papers (including one I especially loved writing which I titled "Knit Two Conceptual Domains Together" and which was about the use of metaphor in knitting) and then I GRADUATED! That's right. I now (or rather will, once final grades are posted,) have a B.A.! Here are pics from graduation. These were taken by my sister & friends. I'm shiny! (You know what the reason is for having tassels that hang down the sides of your face? Distraction! Something to play with during graduation (such as while the student speaker sites "" as a reference *serious eye rolling*)! The cords were fun to play with, too... but I digress... What can I say? I'm distracted by shiny objects...) Sorry, photo vanished. Sorry, photo vanished. I graduated "cum laude" but I'm hoping that my final grades will nudge up my GPA so that my dip...