Niecelettes and Nephewito

April.  The fourth month of the year. It is designated as, among other things, Autism Awareness Month, Frog Month, National Kite Month (reminds me of Charlie Brown), and ... Stress Awareness Month.  Fitting.  Ask any college student.

I'm plugging away.  Keeping very busy.  (Would probably be less busy if I didn't go on Facebook.  Oh, well.)  I got my grant proposal and scholarship applications sent in and my prof and I got the big grant proposal done electronically... it was just waiting for signatures to go off in physical form.  Cross your fingers when you get a chance and wish us luck on all of them!

My poster is done and ready for my presentation tomorrow, I just need to plug through some more audio files so that I have more than four examples...but I spent all day editing video and I'm kind of burned out.  The forum on undergraduate research is tomorrow afternoon.  My prof has actually cancelled class in favour of the forum.

As I said, I edited video today.  Now I need to get the rest of my presentation ready for Saturday's colloquium on Hispanic Latin American Literatures and Linguistics at SDSU.  Not too worried.

Add those to homework as usual, and that's my week.  (Today was a furlough day, which was nice, since I spent hours in the computer lab working with iMovie.)

Knitting-wise I have finished hats for two niecelettes and one nephewito and as all hats have now been received by the designees, I can post pics here:

So... Totoro for the newest descendant of Husband's family, Lydia:

Yoda for her cousin, Tommy:

And a cupcake for sister-daughter Miss E (pictured in her cupcake pajamas.  How well coordinated.):

That's what I have recently knit... going to have to pick something new to start at knitters anonymous Wednesday... hmmm...

Enough procrastinating, I suppose.  Time to go edit audio files.  Can I contain the excitement?


  1. Can my daughter get any cuter! Seriously - Auntie - that hat is to die for. If I were almost 3, I'd be requesting one myself. But, alas, at 20something, I think its better left on my daughter's head. You are so talented at this stuff!


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